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As a rule, in every person’s life there comes a moment when he needs to write a resume for further employment and look for free resume checker. Regardless of what position you are applying for or what experience you have, the employer will definitely require it. What does a resume mean and what is it for?

What is a resume

In French, the word “summary” means “to summarize”. With regard to job search, a resume is a summary of information about you as a specialist in your professional field. When applying for a job, a resume is a necessary attribute: thanks to it the employer forms the first impression of you.

It is believed that a semblance of a resume was made up in antiquity. Nowadays, this document is a small but informative printed text. It describes the applicant’s education, work experience, skills and achievements that are appropriate for the job.

The purpose of a resume is to draw the recruiter’s attention to his candidacy and “force” him to invite you for an interview, to distinguish himself from other candidates for the position.

Resume Types

1. Text summary

Depending on the way the information is organized, as well as on which aspects of the applicant need to be emphasized, there are several formats of a text resume.

  • Chronological summary

A chronological resume contains a history of the applicant’s professional experience in reverse chronological order, indicating organizations, positions, responsibilities and periods of employment.

A chronological resume is suitable for people with extensive and suitable work experience. It is not suitable for students or graduates, people with long career breaks.

  • Functional resume

In a functional resume, the emphasis is shifted to the professional achievements and skills of the candidate. This way you can draw the recruiter’s attention to what exactly you know how and what you can offer the company.

A functional resume will be beneficial for people with little work experience or gaps in work experience, as well as when changing a field of activity.

Chronological and functional resumes are not recommended for use by executives and project staff.

  • Combined resumeA combo resume is a mixture of functional and chronological formats. It follows that it details both your work experience and skills / achievements.

    Combined resume is suitable for executives, project employees, people whose qualifications and work experience make it possible to write such an extensive and informative resume.

A standard text summary should be 1-1.5 pages. Depending on the variation in volume, a distinction is made between extended and short summary .

  • Extended resume contains complete information about you as a specialist. The volume of this type of resume is 2-3 pages. It is worth submitting an extended resume only if such a requirement is in the vacancy or if the recruiter personally requests to expand certain sections.
  • Short resume or mini-resume differs from extended resume in compressed volume (from a few lines to 1 page). It contains a summary of the job seeker’s professional experience and skills. Most often, a short resume is compiled for publication in newspapers or on job search sites.

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2. Creative resume

A creative resume can be an infographic, picture presentation, or any other kind of original self-presentation. Such a resume sets the applicant apart from other candidates and allows him to showcase his talents.

A creative resume is suitable for people in whose profession originality and creativity are important (designers, artists, programmers). Use this type of resume only if you are confident that the employer will appreciate it.

3. Video summary

As the name suggests, a video resume is a self-presentation video. This type of resume requires some technical ability, as well as the candidate’s ability to confidently stand in front of the camera. The average video summary is 2 to 10 minutes long and consists of a greeting and a short introduction about yourself and your professional experience.

This resume format is especially recommended for people of creative professions in which facial expressions, appearance, competent and expressive speech are important.